Thirteen Dreamscapes

  • Subtitle: Performance
  • Date | Place:

    29.09.2024, 7:00 PM /

Come on a journey through the collective unconscious. In this realm, everything is a contradiction that is not a contradiction. The teacher is the student, discomfort is comfort, my dream is your dream, 13 dreams are one dream. Free admission.


Come on a journey through the collective unconscious. In this realm, everything is a contradiction that is not a contradiction. The teacher is the student, discomfort is comfort, my dream is your dream, 13 dreams are one dream.

This performance is the result of a collaboration by an international group whose work revolves around the broad theme of dreaming. It raises questions about how dreams can be viewed as a form of collective experience that transcends personal and cultural boundaries. During the performance the audience will be invited to participate in a space where dreams become the starting point for building a shared dreamscape narrative.

Performance Thirteen Dreamscapes is part of the international project “REFLECT: Rediscovering the Self Through the Other”, realized in collaboration between Contemporary Art Foundation (Poland) with Dansverkstaedid Choreographic House in Reykjavik (Iceland). Simultaneously, a performance by a group in Iceland will take place.



September 29, 2024

7:00 PM


Warsaw, exact location soon


Ilya Baranouski
Aleksandra Dahan
Olivier Grabiec
Ji Yoon Kang
Aleksandra Kielan
Katsiaryna Kuchuk
Arunkumar Subramanian
Alisa Vapniarskaya


Yuliya Dzichkouskaya
Piotr Filonowicz
Aleksandra Kowalczyk
Tomek Jagusztyn-Krynicki

Funded from the Erasmus+ Programme by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the authors only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or Erasmus+ programme. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.



  • Piotr Filonowicz
    Piotr Filonowicz

    He created and leads the theater workshops at the Academy of Theatre. He is a graduate of the Theater Academy and the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw, and the founder of the groups Linia Nocna and Fabryka Destrukcja. He organizes ethnomusicological travels and conducts voice opening classes. He established the Voice Spinning Mill and is a co-creator of free improvisation. He has participated in numerous theater workshops (including under the direction of Eugenio Barba and Thomas Richards). Piotr Filonowicz is also the author of scripts produced in theater. He has published essays on Rilke, Proust, Schulz, and Wyspiański. He creates numerous artistic projects and is the president of the Contemporary Art Foundation.

  • Aleksandra Kowalczyk
    Aleksandra Kowalczyk

    Singer, educator, performer. She studied cultural studies and Slavic studies at the University of Warsaw and Bulgarian folk singing at the Academy of Music, Dance and Fine Arts in Plovdiv. She focuses on voice, sound perception, and interculturality. She founded the experimental vocal improvisation group Syreny. She has collaborated with the contemporary music magazine “Glissando” and the Węgajty Theater. She sings in the folk band Córy Mary. She is active in the Contemporary Art Foundation on projects related to performance and traditional vocal techniques. She conducts workshops on voice emission and traditional singing, as well as sound walks. She coordinates the Voice Spinning Mill vocal workshops.


Warszaty aktorskie, warsztaty wokalne, szkoła aktorska


  • Free admission.