Privacy policy


This document constitutes the description of the privacy policy of the Academy of Arts and Culture. The privacy policy of the Academy of Arts and Culture (hereinafter: Policy) defines the principles, methods of processing, and utilization of data and information originating from candidates, clients, and users of the website belonging to the Academy of Arts and Culture, namely and Please carefully review the contents of the Policy. By entering the website belonging to the Academy of Arts and Culture or using it and submitting any personal data to us in connection with the execution of current orders, workshop applications, training, etc., event participation registrations, and by familiarizing yourself with the content of this Policy, the User accepts the terms of this Policy and confirms that they have read its content.


Personal data – mean Personal Data within the meaning of the GDPR, i.e., any information about an identified or identifiable natural person. This data directly or indirectly identifies a natural person regarding the surname, email address, or telephone number of the individual and other data which, when combined with the above, can identify the User.
GDPR – means the Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council (EU) 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons concerning the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation), according to which the Academy of Arts and Culture processes the Personal Data of Users.
User – website user, newsletter subscriber, person submitting a question via the contact form, workshop and training participant, job applicant, client representative, person visiting websites belonging to the Academy of Arts and Culture.
Services – should be understood as services provided by the Academy of Arts and Culture electronically, via the website, including: registering for workshops and training, subscribing to the newsletter, sending inquiries via the contact form, sending documents and information necessary in the process of executing orders, sending documents necessary in the recruitment process, and creating an account on services belonging to the Academy of Arts and Culture.


By providing their Personal Data on the and website or directly in oral, written, and electronic form, the User confirms that they have the necessary permissions to disclose personal data, which will be used by the Academy of Arts and Culture as described in this Policy.


The administrator of Personal Data of Users provided in connection with the use of websites belonging to the Academy of Arts and Culture, especially in connection with conducting workshops and training, sending marketing information (including newsletters), registering for events, using other services contained on the website, is the owner of the Academy of Arts and Culture or an employee delegated by the Academy of Arts and Culture to perform this task on behalf of the company. The contact email address of the Academy of Arts and Culture is


The administrator processes Personal Data for the purpose of:
1. Organizing and conducting training and workshops.
In the case of training and workshops, the legal basis for processing Personal Data is a contract for the provision of training services concluded with the Academy of Arts and Culture by submitting an order form (Article 6(1)(a) of the GDPR).
2. Sending Users commercial and marketing information, including newsletters from the Academy of Arts and Culture to the email addresses provided by them, provided that the User has consented to receive them.
In the case of sending newsletters, the legal basis is the User’s consent to the processing of Personal Data (Article 6(1)(a) of the GDPR).
Consent to receive unsolicited commercial information in accordance with Article 10 of the Act on the Provision of Electronic Services is expressed by Users independently and separately.
3. Sending Users, to the email addresses provided by them, responses to previously asked questions sent through the contact form.
In the case of contacting the User to provide a response, the legal basis for processing Personal Data is the consent of each User to the processing of personal data (Article 6(1)(a) of the GDPR).
4. Reviewing the job application submitted by the User and potentially conducting the recruitment process by the Academy of Arts and Culture, after the User has given consent to the processing of data contained in the CV or form by the Academy of Arts and Culture.
In the case of processing Personal Data to review job applications, the legal basis is the consent of each User to the processing of personal data (Article 6(1)(a) of the GDPR).
5. Fulfillment of obligations arising from legal provisions, orders, including storing data concerning electronic/mail correspondence for the purposes of future proceedings of authorized authorities,
6. Conclusion and implementation of conditions of contracts between the Academy of Arts and Culture and the Client.


In accordance with Chapter III, Articles 15-21 of the GDPR, the User has the following rights in connection with the processing of their Personal Data by the Academy of Arts and Culture:
1. The right to access their Personal Data,
2. The right to rectify processed data,
3. The right to erasure of data (“right to be forgotten”),
4. The right to restrict data processing,
5. The right to data portability,
6. The right to object to further data processing,
7. The right not to be subject to decisions based solely on automated processing, including profiling.
The exercise of each of the above rights occurs at the User’s request. The Academy of Arts and Culture considers the submitted request and provides a response within 30 days from the date of receipt of the request. Within the scope of the rights, the User can withdraw their consent to further processing of Personal Data for purposes requiring consent at any time, with the proviso that withdrawing consent does not affect the lawful use of personal data in actions taken based on consent before its withdrawal.
Under the right of access, the User is entitled to obtain the following information in the form of a copy:
1. The purposes of processing Personal Data;
2. Categories of Personal Data – what data we process, e.g., name, surname, telephone number;
3. Information about recipients or categories of recipients of data – to whom (person, company, institution) data may be transferred;
4. Information about the right to request the correction, deletion, or restriction of data processing by the Academy of Arts and Culture and to object to specific data processing;
5. Information about the possibility of lodging a complaint with the Office for Personal Data Protection;
6. Information about the source of data if the data were not obtained directly from the User – indication of the person, company, or institution that provided the Personal Data;
7. Information about profiling: on what principles it is made, what consequences profiling may have for the User.
Academy of Arts and Culture also informs that each subsequent copy of Personal Data will incur a fee based on the costs associated with creating the additional copy of the Personal Data.
The Academy of Arts and Culture reserves the right to either not respond to a request or to respond later than the specified time frame (up to two months) due to the number of inquiries or the complicated nature of the request. By complicated nature, we mean the necessity of collating Data from multiple information systems or the need to consult more than one person or department to obtain the information requested.
In both of the above situations, the Academy of Arts and Culture commits to informing the User of this fact, providing justification each time.

The Academy of Arts and Culture will process the Personal Data of Users registering for training sessions to the extent necessary to manage matters related to the training.

By submitting an inquiry, registering for a training, workshop, or other event organized by the Academy of Arts and Culture, the User may consent to the processing of Personal Data for the purpose of sending marketing information about the products and services offered by the Academy of Arts and Culture, including newsletters. Consent may be withdrawn at any time, subject to the terms set out in Chapter VI of this Policy.

The Academy of Arts and Culture conducts recruitment for its own needs. By consenting to the recruitment processes, this consent will apply to both the specific position mentioned in the job advertisement and future recruitment. This means that we will store Personal Data in our database to send job offers tailored to the User’s profile and professional experience. The User may withdraw their consent to further processing at any time.

The Academy of Arts and Culture has implemented appropriate security measures (organizational and technical) to protect Personal Data from loss, misuse, unlawful processing, or modification. The Administrator is committed to protecting all information disclosed by Users in accordance with security and confidentiality standards. Access to Users’ Personal Data is strictly limited to prevent unauthorized persons from obtaining such information. Access to Personal Data is limited to a certain number of authorized employees of the Academy of Arts and Culture.
The Academy of Arts and Culture is entitled to share data with entities authorized under applicable law.

The Academy of Arts and Culture states that cookies are used on the websites and, as well as others belonging to the Academy of Arts and Culture. By using this website, the User agrees to the placement of cookies on their device, as explained below.
Cookies used on the websites and, and others belonging to the Academy of Arts and Culture, may be set by our site or by third-party sites.
Cookies are used to:
1. Customize the content of the website pages to the User’s preferences and optimize the use of the website; in particular, these files allow the recognition of the User’s device and appropriately display the website, tailored to their individual needs,
2. Create statistics that help understand how Users use the website, which allows improving its structure and content,
3. Provide Users with advertising content more suited to their interests.
The types of cookies used by the Academy of Arts and Culture:
• “Essential” cookies, enabling the use of services available on the website, e.g., for session usage;
• “Functional” cookies, allowing the “remembering” of selected settings by the User and personalization of the User interface, e.g., in terms of the chosen mobile/desktop version, last phrases entered by the User, the appearance of the website, etc.;
• “Analytical” cookies, enabling the monitoring of Users’ activities on the website.
The User can block the storage of cookies by appropriately changing the browser settings. Disabling cookies may affect the functionality of the website. Not changing the browser settings means acceptance of the cookies used.

Due to technological development and changing legal regulations, the rules set out in this Privacy Policy may change. The User will be informed of any changes to these rules by posting a new version of this document on the website and