

Akademia Sztuki i Kultury [The Academy of Arts and Culture], hereinafter referred to as ASiK, located in Warsaw, Al. Jana Pawła II 36c, NIP 1180120426, is run by the Stowarzyszenie Sztuka-Edukacja-Promocja [Association Art-Education-Promotion]1 based in Warsaw, ul. Landwarowska 8. ASiK organizes training in the field of broadly understood cultural education, arts, voice, and acting. The regulations define the rules of participation in training, payments, safety, and data protection. Participants are obliged to familiarize themselves with the regulations before starting the training.

Table of Contents

  1. General Provisions
  2. Applications for Participation in Training
  3. Payments
  4. Safety
  5. Data Protection and Consent to Use Image
  6. Copying and Sharing Materials
  7. Rules of Participation in Individual Training
  8. Rules for Using Vouchers
  9. Resignation
  10. Final Provisions



  1. ASiK (NIP 1180120426) provides participants with appropriate conditions for effective training, has a qualified staff, and ensures educational rooms with equipment.
  2. ASiK reserves the right to occasionally change the date, place, or instructor of the training. ASiK or an authorized person is obliged to inform participants about changes or training organization rules via email or phone.


  1. ASiK determines the minimum and maximum number of participants for the training.
  2. If there is an insufficient number of participants, ASiK reserves the right to cancel the training. In such a case, the participant does not bear the cost of the training that did not start, and in case of group dissolution, ASiK refunds the proportional cost of the sessions that did not take place.
  3. Applications for participation in the training are made via an electronic form available on the website
  4. Minors may participate in the training only with the consent of parents/legal guardians. Parents/guardians of minors are required to provide written consent or send a scan of the consent via email to within 5 days of registration. The consent form is placed in the footer and next to the registration form on the website


  1. The condition for participation in the training is registration and payment. Current training prices are available on the website
  2. After registration, the participant is obliged to pay for their participation in the training no later than 3 working days after sending the application, whereby:
  1. For semester training (15 sessions once a week), this may be in installments. The second installment should be paid before the fifth, and the third before the ninth session.
  2. For semester training (10 sessions once a week), this may be in installments. The second installment should be paid before the fourth, and the third before the seventh session.
  3. For multi-day training (intensive training longer than two days), this may be a deposit, the amount of which is specified in the description of the specific training on the website The full amount for participation in the training must be paid no later than 14 days before its start.
  4. For the Weekend Acting School for Adults (WSAD), this may be in installments. The installment payment deadlines are specified in the WSAD description on the website
  1. The participant may apply to ASiK for a different payment schedule. For other training, the rules are specified in the training description on the website
  2. Choosing the installment option does not exempt the participant from paying all installments even in case of not participating in the training.
  3. Information about applicable discounts and promotions is available on the website
  4. ASiK issues an invoice upon request of the participant. Invoice details should be sent to
  5. The payment for the training should be made to the account:

Akademia Sztuki i Kultury
Al. Jana Pawła II 36c
00-141 Warsaw
mBank SA 73 1140 2017 0000 4402 1292 5749 (with the note: Theater Workshops)


  1. By registering for ASiK workshops, the participant declares that they are fully capable of participating in theatrical/vocal/physical activities (no medical and health contraindications).
  2. ASiK does not insure participants against accidents, nor is it liable for accidents to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law. Those wishing to be insured against incidents occurring during the sessions should purchase appropriate insurance on their own.
  3. We practice in soft changed footwear. For safety and comfort, dress in comfortable attire.
  4. Smoking, bringing, and consuming alcohol and intoxicants, as well as bringing items that may pose a threat to life and health, are prohibited on ASiK premises.
  5. The use of sharp tools in scenes and improvisations is prohibited.
  6. Participants may be exposed to high sound levels.
  7. It is recommended that participants check their health status before taking part in the workshops.



  1. Akademia Sztuki i Kultury undertakes to process personal data in accordance with the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals concerning the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (GDPR).
  2. The participant consents to the processing of their personal data by ASiK for purposes related to the organization and implementation of the training.
  3. The participant has the right to access, correct, and request the deletion of their personal data.
  4. The participant consents to the use of their image in ASiK’s promotional materials, including on websites and social media. Consent is voluntary and can be withdrawn at any time by submitting a statement to



  1. ASiK does not allow the publication of used exercises and music in any form – both written and electronic.
  2. Workshop or session materials may only be used for personal use. Any commercial use of training/session materials requires ASiK’s consent.
  3. ASiK permits participants to publish photos from the training and recordings of training fragments up to 90 seconds on social media, tagging the training profile.
  4. The proprietary copyrights to performances or other works created by ASiK belong to ASiK. Copyrights are protected under the Act of 4 February 1994 on copyright and related rights (consolidated text: Journal of Laws 2006, No. 90, item 631, as amended).



  1. Individual training takes place according to a schedule set individually with each participant.
  2. The fee for individual training is set according to the current price list available on the website
  3. Cancellation of scheduled individual sessions by the participant is possible no later than 24 hours before the planned date. Otherwise, ASiK reserves the right to charge the full fee for the canceled session.
  4. ASiK reserves the right to cancel individual sessions for reasons beyond its control. In such a case, a new session date will be set or the fee for the canceled session will be refunded.



  1. A voucher entitles the holder to participate in selected ASiK training at a specified time. The voucher is valid for 24 months from the date of purchase, unless another validity period is indicated on the voucher.
  2. The voucher is not exchangeable for cash.
  3. The voucher can be used by the person it was issued to or by another person after prior notification to ASiK. If the buyer received a code, the voucher can be used by any person.
  4. To redeem the voucher, contact ASiK to set the training date for which it will be used.
  5. Voucher use is subject to all booking terms and conditions applicable to standard workshop registration, including the cancellation policy.



  1. The participant has the right to withdraw from the sessions:
    • SEMESTRAL – no later than 5 days from the date of the first meeting (full refund).
    • SEVEN-DAY, FIVE-DAY, WEEKEND – no later than 7 days before the training start date (full refund).
    • WSAD – Weekend Acting School for Adults: no later than 5 days from the date of the first meeting (less 500 PLN for the first weekend session). In other cases, payments are not refunded.
  2. Resignation is submitted via email to To meet the deadline, it is sufficient to send a statement before the deadline.
  3. The training fee refund is made in the same form as the payment. ASiK has 10 working days to make the return transfer.
  4. All complaints regarding the use of services offered by ASiK should be submitted electronically to
  5. Complaints are processed within 14 working days.
  6. The response to the complaint is sent to the participant’s email address.



  1. In matters not regulated by these regulations, Polish law provisions apply.
  2. ASiK reserves the right to make changes to the regulations. Changes are effective from the moment of their publication on the website
  3. Participants are required to familiarize themselves with the regulations before starting the training. Any disputes arising from the implementation of these regulations will be settled by the court competent for the ASiK’s seat.